Along the historical periods, there have been told many things about libraries. Much time, libraries were considered the memory of humanity. Today, we say they are loboratories for intellectual work, where people not only read but seek for scientific research information.
All civilations, regardlles of area in vinch they have come forward, had a special respect for libraries. Thus, libraries decline is a sensitive barometr for society and civilization. In the present volume, the first of this kind in our country intended in particular to the foriengners interested in the Romanian libraries, there are presented five types of libraries, according to IFLA nomenclature, included in the libraries national netvork: national libraries, university libraries, special libratries, public libraries and school libraries.
There have participated in publshing this volme Romanian specialists with a good knowledge in the field they have written about Elena Tîzman, Mihaela Zecheru, Robert Coravu, Gabriela Dumitrescu, Carmen Pesantez, Gheorghe Buluţă, to vhom we express our gratitude.
Romanian libraries/edited by Mircea Regneală; Engliş version: Corina Apostoleanu.- Bucureşti:Editura ABR , 2011. -225 p.
ISBN 978-973-8596-8-3.